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Modern Poetry - Imagism (lecture)

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Lecture by Professor Langdon Hammer given as part of Open Yale courses, 'engl 310: Modern Poetry'. Available as audio, video and transcript with hadnout (.pdf).

The Imagist school is defined, in part through the prose of Ezra Pound. Representative examples of Imagist poetry are examined, particularly Hilda Doolittle's "Garden," "Sea Rose," and "Oread." Pound's early poem, "In a Station of the Metro," and Pound's comment on the poem's composition are studied as Imagist statements. His work with foreign languages, particularly Chinese, is considered in relation to Imagism in the poems "Jewel Stairs' Grievance" and "River Merchant's Wife: A Letter."

Part of Open Yale courses, 'engl 310: Modern Poetry'

Date Published: 26 September 2012
In Collection(s): Introducing modernism, Ezra Pound
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