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First World War timeline (interactive)

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This interactive timeline, created as part of the First World War Poetry Digital Archive, allows the user to explore the life and writing of First World War poets in the context of core events from the war. Users can choose what to display, read about the items, and view digitized copies of manuscripts, diaries, photos and more from the life and work of the poets.

Use the drop-down menu by 'Add items from:' to display the available datasets that can be added to the timeline (such as Vera Btitten's diary, Vera Britten's Letters, Edward Thomas' poetry etc).

This item is from The First World War Poetry Digital Archive, University of Oxford (
Note that although the timeline is openly available, the images that it links to can only be used for educational non-commercial purposes (see

Date Published: 21 August 2012
In Collection(s): Contexts, Edward Thomas, Poetry, Wilfred Owen
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