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Shakespeare Lectures

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The Man Shakespeare
The Elizabethan Theater
How Shakespeare Got Into Print
English Drama Before Shakespeare
How To Read a Play
Shakespeare's Growth As a Dramatist
Much Ado About Nothing, Act I
Much Ado About Nothing, Acts II and III
Much Ado About Nothing, Acts IV and V
The Merchant of Venice, Act I
The Merchant of Venice, Acts II and III
The Merchant of Venice, Acts IV and V
The Tempest, Act I
The Tempest, Acts II and III
The Tempest, Acts IV and V
Henry IV, Part 1, Act I
Henry IV, Part 1, Acts II and III
Henry IV, Part 1, Acts IV and V
Richard III, Act I
Richard III, Acts II and III

Dr. Ralph W. Schlosser's lectures on the life and work of William Shakespeare. Recorded in 1965 and 1966. Dr. Schlosser was Professor of English and former President of Elizabethtown College in Pennsylvania.

Date Published: 16 July 2012
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